Protect Your Intellectual Property: A How To Guide

Premium course





21 Lessons

0% Not started


  • The information in this course does not constitute legal advice.
  • Debra Lloyd, a business owner, writer, and marketer, has experienced dealing with copyright infringement and has helped clients deal with similar issues related to their content, courses, and websites. She created this course to assist entrepreneurs, writers, bloggers, course creators, and creatives understand and improve their knowledge of US copyright laws, related rights, and responsibilities. It is essential to consult a licensed attorney knowledgeable in your field for legal advice and compliance specific to your location and intended market. 
  • While we update the course content periodically as needed, verifying the information for accuracy is advisable.
  •  Students must seek legal advice from an attorney in the relevant jurisdiction before acting on the course content. The use of this course does not establish an advisory or attorney-client relationship between the student, Debra Lloyd, or her company.

Course Description:

Don't wait until it's too late - protect your content now!

Plagiarism and piracy is rife across the web, so if you don't start protecting your content now, it's not a case of if, but when your content will be stolen. Stop Stealing My Content! Is a complete Step by Step guide to proactively protecting your content.

In addition to providing valuable information on copyright law and content protection, you'll find practical, actionable steps to help you monitor and manage your content, tips to safeguard your content, how to find and remove stolen content, and the best practices for protecting and enforcing your copyright if or when you have to.

Learning Objective

By the end of this course you will know exactly how to:

Secure your website, blog, products and courses (quickly and easily) using the full power and protections of the US Copyright and DMCA Acts for every piece of content, course, or product you create from the day you publish or promote it.

Enforce your copyright by issuing Takedown Notices, follow the complete process, issuing time and date stamped, document supported, legal requests that require compliance of offenders under penalty of law. You'll also have all the documentation in hand to get Hosting Providers and Search Engines to help get your stolen content removed from the web and search results.

Who is this course for? 

Boggers, writers, course and content creators. Basically anyone who is publishing or plans to publish/distribute original content, courses, or products via a website/blog/social media.

What will you learn?

What types of content you can copyright.

What the DMCA Act is and how to properly apply it to protect your website/business/intellectual property.

Who can, and who is, obligated to help, you get your content removed from offending sites.

What's included in this course?

  • How to legally establish copyright over everything on your website/blog immediately you publish it.
  • Proactive steps to take to prevent people from stealing your content in the first place.
  • How to monitor your content for copyright infringements/plagiarism.
  • Tools to help you automate the monitoring process. 
  • How to deal with offenders. 
  • Document Preparation - info gathering resources
  • How to issue Takedown Notices, Cease and Desist, and Search Engine Removal Requests - this is the last resort (it usually doesn't get to this)
  • Resources - checklists, links to tools to help you find this information and downloadable example documents and templates in Word | .txt | PDF formats.


About Your Instructor

Debra Lloyd

Your Partner in Protecting Your Digital Content
Welcome to Stop Stealing My Content!
At Stop Stealing My Content, we are dedicated to helping course and content creators protect their original works and ensure they receive the credit and compensation they deserve.
I am the founder of SSMC. I've worked in digital marketing, web design, and online security for many years, and I'm passionate about using that expertise to help you proactively protect your content.
Our clients are bloggers, course, and content creators looking to understand how to safeguard their hard work. Whether you are concerned about online security, digital marketing, or web design, we are here to help.
My background in digital and social media marketing, local and web-based business consulting, online and website security, digital business systems and process automation, WordPress, and e-commerce web design makes me uniquely qualified to assist you in protecting your content.
My business philosophy is simple: I want to help you efficiently and effectively get stolen content removed from websites and search engine results pages. I strive to empower you to be self-sufficient in protecting your work while saving you time, money, and stress.
At Stop Stealing My Content, we are committed to providing you with the support and resources you need to safeguard your creative efforts. Let us help you take control of your content and ensure you receive the recognition and compensation you deserve.
All the best,
My Areas of Specialty: Systems & Process Automation | Digital Marketing | Social Media Marketing | Online Security | Local & Web-Based Business Consulting | E-Commerce | WordPress Web Design

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