***Attention Bloggers, Content & Course Creators...Content thieves are stealing your stuff***

Don't let pirates plunder your creative content treasure!

Content Pirates vs Your Content Copyright:
The Battle Begins...

Here's how to WIN!

I’ve built many websites since 2008, one of them for a medical-legal expert. She loves writing and began blogging high-quality content relevant to her niche. A couple of months in, she called me to ask if I could help her when she discovered her content was being stolen, and the offender (a competing medical-legal expert) had literally cut and pasted my clients’ original blog posts word for word!


This had serious implications beyond her annoyance and frustration at having her work stolen. Google is the king of search, but when content is copied (stolen), the search engine algorithms have to figure out which piece is the “original” content. If their filters fail (and they do all the time), the content, and subsequently BOTH SITES, will be demoted in search results. They’ll BOTH LOSE TRAFFIC and they’ll BOTH LOSE CREDIBILITY with search engines and visitors alike.


This course in the result of my work helping clients to get their stolen courses and content removed from multiple offending sites. We have been able to quickly prove and enforce the copyright of original works to restore faith and credibility for websites, blogs, and courses. The course objective is to arm small businesses and content creators with the knowledge they need to protect their work as the valuable business asset it is, by better understanding and using the power of US copyright law.  

Copyright Safeguards Your Content . . .

Who Is This Course For?

Attention all bloggers, course, and content creators!

Are you sick and tired of seeing your hard work stolen or misused online?


This course is specifically designed to help individuals who are publishing, or planning to publish, their original content, courses, or products online.

Whether it’s through a website, blog, membership site, or social media, our expert guidance will teach you how to effectively safeguard your creations. Don’t let your hard work go to waste – join us and take control of your online presence today!


Lockdown Your Legacy

Because Your Brilliance Is An Asset For Your Blog & Your Business

Your Content
Protection Strategy

  • What you need on your website to legally establish your copyright.
  • How to automate monitoring your content for theft or plagiarism.
  • How to stop making it easy for people to steal your content.

Copyright Basics

  • What types of works can be copyrighted?
  • What rights does copyright cover?
  • What’s the difference between Copyright & Plagiarism?

with Violators

  • What information you need about the offender – to issue a takedown notice. 
  • How to legally request offenders remove your content.
  • Who is legally required to help you if the offender doesn’t comply.

What is copyright infringement?

Copyright Infringement:  A demand that an individual or business stop using already published materials protected by U.S. Copyright laws without obtaining permission from the owner of the copyright and giving proper attribution to the creator of those materials.

Safeguard Your Creativity:
By Mastering the copyright game

What's The Process?

Imagine how great it will feel when you

Turn Violations Into Victories For Your Brand!

Content Theft

  • How to legally establish copyright over everything on your website and blog posts automatically and immediately, whenever you click publish.
  • The proactive steps to take to dissuade and prevent content thieves from stealing your content in the first place.
  • How to check your own content before you publish to ensure your copyright is clearly established.

Monitor Your

  • How to monitor/find where/if your content may or has been copied online.
  • Tools to help you automate the monitoring process.
  • How to create a content inventory, run a content audit, why that’s a smart use of your time and how those are “assets” of your business.

Enforcing Your

  • Step-By-Step modules and a detailed Workbook walk you through the takedown process.
  • Downloadable templates, example policies, and disclosures ensure you have all your ducks in line, ready to enforce your copyright at the drop of a (Pirate) hat.
  • How to issue Search Engine Removal requests (because they’re required by law to help), but only if you follow the process.

What's included in the course?

The Power of Copyright Means A Peaceful Mind

Pirate Proof Your Work Product


Clearly defined modules allow you to discover more about the power of copyright. If you already know what you need, you can dive right in to get started putting disclosures in place, or use the enforcement templates right out of the gate to save yourself time and money enforcing your copyright from day 1. 


Improve your knowledge and understanding of copyright-related rights and responsibilities. Fill in the gaps in your current copyright strategy to proactively protect your content assets.



Use our downloadable templates to streamline your copyright enforcement process and effectively follow up to get your pirated content removed from the web and the search results fast so they don’t steal your traffic and credibility too.



Example disclosures will help you understand how important and how easy it is to establish your copyright every time you click publish. Clear and comprehensive instructions will show you how to protect both new and existing content with confidence. 



This step-by-step printable workbook will help you follow along as you implement what you learn. The steps, checklists, and screenshots are a great refresher when you come back to do it again on a new website or domain, whether that’s two or six months down the road. 



Use the toolkit and resources to provide copyright protection across all your websites. You can even offer copyright protection as a service to your client. The course will pay for itself in a heartbeat!



You can revisit the course as often as you like, as a refresher, or when you come to protect your new courses and domains. We will continue to update it if/when laws change. We will also add tools and resources, live Q&A sessions, and much, much more. 

African American businesswoman juggling many objects and feeling overwhelmed


Work at your own pace and on your own timeline with our course and resources available 24/7/365 to fit seamlessly into your schedule and workflow.



Our support team are available to answer questions via email throughout your learning and implementation journey.



Engage with your fellow students, embrace the opportunity to expand your network, tapping into a wealth of knowledge and collective wisdom to exchange ideas, perspectives, and experiences in a vibrant, supportive community where learning and growth help you thrive.


TIP:  Invest $249 today to learn how to avoid making mistakes that sabotage your copyright and learn how to FIX ‘em FAST!


“STOP STEALING MY CONTENT” is a comprehensive guide that teaches you how to avoid losing rank, credibility, and traffic due to content theft. Follow the step-by-step instructions, example disclosures, downloadable checklists, and templates to help you take control of your content and manage it like the “business asset” that it is, protecting your content and revenue sources from the dangers of copyright infringement going forward.

When you buy the course today, you can implement these protections on every site you own IN HOURS-not-days.


So you’ll be able to confidently and easily protect your content online,

and get back to what matters most: creating great courses and content… worry free!


Real Stories from Our Students . . .

Welcome to the world of testimonials from our amazing students who have gone through our course!


Get ready to hear firsthand from real people who have experienced the transformational power of our program.


From unlocking new income stream opportunities to gaining confidence and personal growth, our students have some incredible stories to share.


So sit back, relax, and get ready to be inspired by the success stories of those who have taken the leap and joined us on this incredible journey.

Hear How Our Course Provided Peace of Mind & A New Profit Center . . .

Belito Garcia
Play Video about Belito Garcia

Who am I and why should you listen to me?

Hi, I’m Debra Lloyd,

I’m a digital savvy business owner uniquely qualified to help bloggers, content, and course creators proactively and legally secure and protect their content by stopping content thieves in their tracks!


I’m sharing my expertise in online security, digital marketing and web design to help you proactively protect your content, ensuring you, and only you, get the credit and compensation you deserve.


Areas of Specialty:  Digital & Social Media Marketing | Local & Web-Based Business Consulting | Online & Website Security | Digital Business Systems & Process Automation | WordPress & E-Commerce Web Design

“Copyright is the Content Creators Armor”

“Automate what you ought’a do anyway”


If you’ve ever written content or produced a course, you can surely relate to how much time and effort it takes to create original content, not to mention the knowledge and experience required to do it well.



As you’ve found your way here, you’re probably a content creator concerned about protecting your content especially with the recent proliferation of AI!


I’ll also bet you’re wondering how to do it effectively without getting a law degree! That’s precisely what this course will teach you how to do. . .

In this course, I’ll show you how simple mistakes can sabotage your copyright, how authors and content creators often make those mistakes without realizing and how to fix them quickly. You’ll learn precisely how to protect your copyright and your content. I’ll give plenty of practical advice, tips, tricks, and examples to help you master this important topic.


If you don’t have proactive protections in place, it will often be hard, if not impossible, to support your copyright claims. With the recent proliferation of AI, it is more important than ever to be sure you use every legal mechanism available to protect your content.



Most creators need help understanding the measures they can take to get stolen content REMOVED. Some services will do this for you, but they typically cost $149-$199 or more, and that’s for EVERY NOTICE they send. It often takes two or more notices before offenders remove your content from their site.


Those services will require you to gather the exact same information this course will show you how to find. They’ll have you go do all the legwork to find and enter that info into a form online which will then generate a standard takedown notice, which they will send out (via email) on your behalf. They will then charge you for each notice generated (even though you’re doing all the research and all the work to identify the offender, their site, and their hosting provider).



However, they do nothing to help you STOP or discourage plagiarism or content thievery from happening again with a different content thief or on another site you own. Hackers and content thieves often “blanket attack or target” sites on the same server, so once you’ve been targeted, it’s likely to happen again.



I’m an experienced blogger, course and content creator, digital and local marketing specialist, e-publisher, WordPress web designer, and website security expert. I’ve compiled this comprehensive course to help you Secure, Track, Observe, and Protect your copyright

to   S – T – O – P   content thieves and pirates in their tracks!



Crush Copycats Now!

TL;DR?. . Scan reader much? . . . Me too, so here's the bottom line. . .

cat in style of a mug shot with sign saying "I stole your stuff!"
MR TIDDLES | AKA The Profit Pirate | AKA The Copy Cat
AKA Count Costly

Do you want to finally understand your rights and learn how to enforce them effectively?


Look, I get it. Navigating the world of copyright can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. My course on copyright and enforcement is the solution you’ve been searching for.


With my step-by-step guidance, you’ll gain the knowledge and confidence to protect your intellectual property and defend your work against unauthorized use.


Stop wasting time and energy worrying about copyright issues and start taking control of your creative rights. 


Enroll in my course now and take the first step towards securing the future of your artistic endeavors.


Your creativity deserves protection, and I’m here to help you make it happen! 

Put A Lock On Your Content and Your Profits

Master Copyright Today

  • 6 Modules 
  • Workbook 
  • Toolkit 
  • Templates 
  • Example Policies & Disclosures 
  • Checklists – 
  • 24/7 Access 
  • Flexible Learning Curve 
  • Private Facebook Group 
  • Ongoing Email Support
  • Law Change Reminders
  • Live Zoom Q&A
  • Much, much more . . .

***The information in this course does not constitute legal advice.***

*** The example disclosures provided should not be construed as legal advice ***

Debra Lloyd, a business owner, writer, and marketer, has experienced dealing with copyright infringement and has helped clients deal with similar issues related to their content, courses, and websites. She created this course to assist entrepreneurs, writers, bloggers, course creators, and creatives in understanding and improving their knowledge of US copyright laws, related rights, and responsibilities.
While we update the course content periodically, verifying the current information specific to your location is strongly advised.
It is essential to consult a licensed attorney knowledgeable in your field for legal advice and compliance specific to your location and intended market.
Students must seek legal advice from an attorney in the relevant jurisdiction before acting on the course content. The use of this course does not establish an advisory or attorney-client relationship between the student, Debra Lloyd, or her company.



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