Do Not Sell My Personal Information

woman at computer entering personal information

​Stop Stealing My Contentdoes not, and has not, sold any personal information in the last 12 (twelve) months. 

Stop Stealing My Content does not have any future plans to sell personal information.

We believe your data is your property and support your right to privacy and transparency. We use software to log your consent and preferences for a duration (1 month | 6 months or 12 months) as selected by you. 


Easily update or revoke your consent, and remove all cookies previously set by this website at any time.

Just look for the “fingerprint cookie” at the bottom left of any page and click to change your preferences.

Having said all of that, we respect and understand that you may still want to take additional steps to ensure your personal information is protected and excluded from sale. Should you wish to record a specific “do not sell my information” request, please complete and submit using the form below. 

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